Estimate Works Export for Quickbooks®

Estimate Works Accounting Export Manager* lets you add jobs quickly to your Quickbooks® or later company file. By adding your jobs to Quickbooks, you can apply your job costs and payroll directly to each job then run the job cost reports to see at a glance if you are allowing enough for both materials and labor.

Painting jobs are added to Quickbooks as easily as selecting the confirmed job. Details added include client info, labor costs and materials costs.

Client/Job Export Features:

  • Estimate Works export first checks for an existing client. If the client does not exist, the client and job will be added. If the client already exists, the job will be added to the existing client.
  • Exported info includes client name, billing address details, estimate number, site description.
  • Jobs added to Quickbooks will automatically be marked as 'Awarded' and credited to the correct sales rep.
Job Details:
  • Exported details include estimate sub-total, site description, total job hours, total materials quantities.
  • Job hours and materials quantities are summarized in two lines for insertion into two classes.
  • Line 1 of the estimate contains the number of hours estimated for the job * labor cost.
  • Line 2 of the estimate contains the number of gallons of materials * material cost.

*Included at no charge with the Multi-user (Enterprise) version.