The Quick Photo Drop form can be opened and used to insert images directly into the body of the document or on a 'photo insert' page (see Using Photo Templates for more info) in the style of your choice. The form floats on top of the document, allowing the user to place the cursor anywhere on the document where an image is to be inserted and simply click on the image in the viewer to apply the image according to the type and settings configured.
Note: Images that are inserted and re-sized in MSWord retain their original file size!! Ensure that the file or camera image you are using is the lowest possible size while maintaining sufficient image resolution. Larger images will increase the size of the completed document.
Setting the Photo Path:
To view thumbnails and select images from any specified directory on your computer, click the 'Set Photo Path' button and browse to the directory you wish to use. Select any image in that directory and click the Insert button. This will set the default image path.
Inserting Images in the document:
Place your cursor on the document where you want the image to be inserted then choose the type of image to insert according to the styles available on the Insert Images menu selections from the Estimate Works toolbar.
- Display Image Only will load the selected image into the viewer, but will not apply the image to the document.
- Wrapped Around Text will resize, add borders and word wrap the image right in the paragraph where the cursor has been placed in the document. Use this selection when adding an image to a paragraph that contains the relevant observation.
- Inline File Image will resize the image and place it at the cursor position. The image will not be word-wrapped, but images can be placed side by side. This type of image is also used when adding multiple referenced photos at the end of the document.
- Report Cover (First Page) will resize, add borders and position the image on a cover page already added to the document.
- Inline No Resize or Border will place the original image at the cursor position. The image will not be word-wrapped, or have any resizing or formatting applied.
- (See Image#) Cross reference will place a cross reference at the cursor position and insert the image into the template page already inserted into the document. (See below for more info)
- (See Image#) Cross-ref & Text will place a cross reference at the cursor position and insert the image into the template page already inserted into the document along with a caption taken from the sentence where the cursor was placed. (See below for more info)
Images are formatted and resized as they are inserted according to the default settings specified on the Image Settings form. This form is available by selecting Format Image - Image Format Settings on the Estimate Works toolbar.
Insert Cross-Reference Template:
To use the cross reference selections, a photo template document must first be inserted into the current document. Click the 'Insert Cross-Reference Template' button to select the photo template to be used. The template document will be inserted into the current document at the cursor position. See Using Photo Templates for more information.