The contact list is an important part of the Estimate Works business management package. The information saved here can be used with other Estimate Works tools for advertising and marketing campaigns targeting both new and repeat clients. Optional integration with Microsoft Outlook extends the capabilities further so your contacts are always a click away on your mobile device.
Advertising & Letters:
- Print individual personalized form letters using easy to create Estimate Works templates.
- Print mailing labels for bulk mailings.
- Export lists for your printer.
- Use the mail merge for personalized letters in bulk mailings.
- View or print a list of all estimates and contracts for the current client.
- Print lists of clients sorted on referral types.
- Print lists of clients sorted on overall estimate/job sales totals.
Outlook Integration Features:
- Import a contact from Outlook.
- Save a new contact to Outlook.
- Update an existing Outlook contact.