This tab is where you can select to include various contract details, add extra charges, view the estimate totals and print the estimate or contract documents.
Included Items - check or un-check the Included Items check boxes to have the related text appear on the proposal documents. These selections do not affect the rates or prices on the estimate. To view or edit the related text that appears on the documents, click with your right mouse button on the list or click the 'Include Comments' button on the Rates & Settings tab or select Interior/Exterior Defaults - Interior/Exterior Include Text from the main menu. To add this section to a proposal document, select Documents - Insert Estimate Template Fields - Estimate Sections - Included Items from the main menu.
Excluded Items - check or un-check the Excluded Items check boxes to have the related text appear on the proposal documents. These selections do not affect the rates or prices on the estimate. To view or edit the related text that appears on the documents, click with your right mouse button on the list or click the 'Exclude Comments' button on the Rates & Settings tab or select Interior/Exterior Defaults - Interior/Exterior Exclude Text from the main menu. To add this section to a proposal document, select Documents - Insert Estimate Template Fields - Estimate Sections - Excluded Items from the main menu.
Extra Fees - use this section to add extra charges to the estimate. This is useful for extras such as sub-contracting charges, equipment rentals or travel to the job site. Amounts selected here are not included in the setup/cleanup factor amount. To select items from the defaults list, click the 'Add Fee from List' button then select from the drop down list. To edit this list of defaults, click the 'Defaults' button. For a one-time fee, click the 'Add One Time Fee' button then type in the description and amount for this charge. To add this section to a proposal document, select Documents - Insert Estimate Template Fields - Estimate Sections - Extra Charges from the main menu.
Fees and Charges - this area displays the current totals for the estimate and allows you to adjust the setup factor and tax amounts.
- Setup/Cleanup Factor - A percentage factor to adjust the estimate by to allow for setup, cleanup and/or overhead amounts. This is defined on the Company Information form (see Setting Company Defaults for more info) but can be edited for the current estimate.
- Taxes - Checking or un-checking the Tax check boxes lets you calculate with or without taxes. The default tax descriptions and amounts are defined on the Company Information form (see Setting Company Defaults for more info).
Related Topics:
Painting Estimator Forms
Setting Company Defaults
Setting Material Descriptions and Rates