Estimate Works for Word uses document templates to write proposals, client letters etc. These are simply Word documents that contain Estimate Works <<TAGS>> to identify where fields will be written. An unlimited number of different proposals can be created and selected when printing an estimate, proposal, contract or form letters to clients.
Editing/Adding Documents:
Unlimited template documents in addition to the included
proposal documents can be saved to the Estimate Works
'Templates' sub-directory where they are instantly accessible to the program. Estimate Works will automatically complete each <<TAG>>
field in the template document with the current estimate/client data when
printing from Estimate Works. Tags for the following information can be
added to documents by selecting the fields from our lists:
- Client Details: All client name and contact details.
- Company Information: All of your company's name and contact details.
- Estimate Cost Details: Estimate total fields such as tax amounts, sub-total, grand total and factors.
- Estimate Details: Estimate detail fields such as estimate dates, site description and details, warranty terms etc.
- Estimate Sections: Multiple item estimate sections including the room/area details, included and excluded items, extra charges and payment terms.
- Payment fields: Individual draw dates and amount.
- Formatting fields: Include a table of contents.
Document Template Styles:
Font styles for the templates are saved in Estimate Works and are applied to the document when it is
used. This is separate from Word's '' settings so
Estimate Works documents are consistent and unique. (See Styles
and Font Settings in our help file for more information on this